Tuesday, March 29, 2016

PeeMail from Kool Dawg Tees

I got this PeeMail, this Dave guy says he met Stephen and Kathy in Belize . . . where is Belize?

Hey Yogi,

I met Stephen and Kathy in Belize on one of the outer Cayes, (pronounced keys). He said you are a dog with a blog and I happen to be in the Dawg accessory business. Why don't you pick up your iBone and take a look, the URL is: http://www.kooldawgtees.com/ please let me know what you think. Dave.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I alone remain of my pack

Wow, the Hawaii house has sure changed. Stephen and Kathy have been gone for days, (at least seven by now). For some reason I think they have gone back to the rainy place.

Keely just got home. She fed Sadie and me. She ate. We are going to bed early. Keely put my mat in the bedroom, but I think I will sleep at the foot of the bed. I told her if she let me sleep in the bed, I would promise not to get under the covers, but she just laughed. I know Stephen has been thinking about Aloha Oe a lot lately, first with the passing of Glenn and now Pastor Lyle, Stephen's favorite rendition is Tia Carrere's so I played it... until we meet again.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Big black nylon bags are an omen of some sort

I am starting to notice something. When Stephen and Kathy start putting big black bags on the bed, really odd things happen. Six months ago, it happened in the rainy place. Then really early in the morning the big black truck came, they put my crate in it and I had to stay in it for a long long time. When I saw Stephen and Kathy again, we were in Hawaii. I like Hawaii.

Two weeks ago the bags happened again and Stephen and Kathy left, but I was still here. When I gave Stephen my quizzical look when he got back, he just said, "it was the final Aloha Oe for a friend, but Glenn is in a better place", and smiled.

Yesterday, they did it again, black nylon bags on the bed. They left in a van and I have not heard or smelled them since. Where are they?

Anyway, Keely, Sadie, Harry, and I had a great evening here at 1070.  I hung out on the rug inside the patio slider and Sadie laid on her bed. We called it a night about 9:30 and the pack adjouned to the bedroom and all did well through the night. Harry was up with me at 4:00 and around 5:30 he gave me supplements and of course a bowl of food (gone in a matter of seconds). He says I am a good dog just like Carl. Then, of all things Harry started packing a black nylon bag. He did say Keely is looking forward to my company. I didn't even know I had a company, I thought Kathy was the one with companies?

Well, I guess as long as I don't see black bags and my crate in a truck everything is OK. Whoa, what's that? It is a kid on a skateboard, gotta bark, see ya later.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Great days at the Wailua Homesteads Dog Park

We have had good weather and so I take Stephen and Kathy to the dog park almost every day. I was pretty busy running and sniffing, but was able to get a few shots on my iPhone. In an ironic turnaround, Koa stole my ball. If you look closely, he is actually chewing on his blue ball and just covering my ball,

This is me with Zander and Clyde.

Zander and I were playing.

When I got home I got to meet a puppy. I think they are going to name her Archer, but we will see.

Those are funny looking dogs?

Dogs have four legs and fur. These guys have four legs and fur, but then so do cats. Not sure. Y.