Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pet Pros at Lakeland Center

I am almost out of my primary large breed puppy food. Kathy calls it Nutri Source, but I call it small kibbles. Stephen and Kathy like it because I tolerate it well, (humanspeak for easy to clean up). But, my Vet thinks I should be on a non-grain food. I like it because the kibbles are bigger. But after a few days I started producing pooh to consistency of pudding. So, the pack talked about it and we decided to go to Pet Pros at Lakeland Center, get a bag of Nutri Source and try to mix the two.

What are Kibbles you ask? The term originated was coined by a German Shepard in 1790 which is 1,575 dog years ago and a bit over 22,500 puppy years, (those three seconds add up when you have the attention span of a gnat). It stems from the German people word for grinding. Most kibbles are formed from meat and grain meal and then formed into those famous pellets. Perhaps you are familiar with the Kibble and Bits song. I had always thought kibbles were for dogs, but they make them for cats as well. Never, ever, get between a cat and her kibble.

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